Flask-HTML. HTML generator for Flask applications.
2 min readNov 14, 2022
Hello everybody. Today i am going to tell you about Flask-HTML package for Flask framework. This package helps you to generate HTML/CSS/JS content for your applicationg by using classes.
Table of content:
— Install
— Usage
You can install Flask-HTML with pip package manager
pip install flask_html
Simple use it in you page route
from flask_html import Page, Head
from flask_html.core import Style
from flask_html.tags import Body, Div, P
from flask import request
def index():
head = Head('Title', ['link to css'],['link to js'], [{"meta_property": "value"}])
page = Page(head)
body = Body(page, styles=Style(color="red", padding_top="15px"),classes=['class1', 'class2'], id='body_id',elements=[
Div(styles=Style(margin="10px"), classes=['class1', 'class2'], id='div_id', elements=[
P(styles=Style(color="blue"), classes=['class1', 'class2'], id='p_id', elements=[
"Hello World"
return page.render(body, request)
U can use event listeners with your DOM nodes
Note: Jquery automatically injected
opts = [Option('{}'.format(x),'Name {}'.format(x)) for x in range(10)]
sel = Select(opts).on('change', 'let val = $(this).val(); alert(val)')
page = Page(Head('Title', ['link to css'],['link to js'], [{"meta_property": "value"}]))
body = Body(page, elements=[
return page.render(body, request)
All html elements have docstring to help you to understand how to use it
"""Div HTML element
styles (Style, optional): Inline css styles. Defaults to None.
classes (List[str], optional): List of class names. Defaults to [].
id (str, optional): Unique ID. Defaults to None.
elements (List[object], optional): List of child elements. Defaults to [].
props (Dict[str, str], optional): Additional tag properties. Defaults to {}.
Div(styles=None, classes=[], id=None, elements=[], props={})
Flask-HTML written by myself and it open to contribute.
Have an idea? Fork package, contribute and open pull request